
Exciting News: Announcing If U Seek Podcast

IF U SEEK is not another ux podcast

May 2024 is monumental! Useberry’s new podcast “If U Seek” is live and explores UX with expert insights. Tune in on Spotify, Apple, and Google Podcasts.

May 2024 is a monumental month for our UX & Product community!

Over the last few years, Useberry has grown from a small startup functioning in a coworking space in Athens, Greece to a leading UX research platform company, used by UX professionals and Product teams worldwide. We’ve created tools and features that have helped designers, researchers and product people succeed.

But we know we can do even more.

That’s why we’ve been working on something new to give you even better and brighter access to UX insights, expert advice, and community support.

Ready to find out what’s next?

Introducing If U Seek Podcast

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new podcast If U Seek! This podcast is designed to be your go-to source for insightful conversations, expert advice, and compelling stories from the diverse world of UX, product design, and beyond.

Each episode features wide-ranging conversations with industry experts, thought leaders, and innovative practitioners in the field of UX, offering fresh perspectives and actionable insights to help you stay ahead in this diverse UX landscape.

Deciding the Name

“If U Seek” is not just another UX podcast;

When we were brainstorming about the podcast name, we had a few criteria in mind:

Memorable and Catchy: We wanted a name that would instantly pique curiosity and invite exploration.

Open-Ended: We wanted to expand ourselves beyond just one aspect of UX, like design or research. Instead, we wanted the freedom to explore a wide range of topics within the UX field.

Dynamic and Flexible: A unique feature of our podcast name is its dynamic nature. The first part, “If U Seek:”, stays constant, serving as an open invitation for curiosity. The second part changes with each episode to match the specific topic we’re covering. We believe this aspect keeps things fresh and interesting.

After many iterations, we landed on “If U Seek” because it captures our mission perfectly to explore and uncover a wide array of topics in UX, making the podcast both intriguing and approachable.

Meet Our Host, Layshi Curbelo

We’re excited to introduce Layshi Curbelo as the host of our podcast. Layshi has been designing for over 10 years, focusing on making user experiences better and more accessible for everyone. She is passionate about showing how important accessibility is in design and business.

She believes that everything in life is designed and aims to make a difference, one pixel at a time. Join Layshi as she dives into all sorts of interesting topics in the UX world.

Listen on Your Favorite Platforms

Whether you’re commuting, working out, or relaxing at home, tune in to If U Seek and stay informed and inspired. Don’t miss out—subscribe and listen now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts!

So, welcome to “If U Seek” – where every episode invites you to discover something new in the UX landscape!

Tune in to If U Seek!

Explore the latest insights in the UX landscape with every episode.

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